Responding to treacherous announcement re free solar extractors

Aug 20, 2018

Our CEO2 Coral Bleach and Attorney Lignite Pitt QC make our case on Level 42 of Herbert Smith Freehills, 101 Collins Street

BREAKING: On behalf of BUMS*, Coral Bleach and Lignite Pitt QC are seeking legal advice to challenge the Victorian state government’s massive rooftop solar power scheme on the grounds that it undermines their legacy control over power.

“It’s a reckless and selfish pinkie-bats plot to strip Coal Diggers of their rightful profits!” exclaimed Coral Bleach. “Consistent with our entitled role in keeping lights on, expect us to retain the most prestigious law firm billionaires can buy,” added her Attorney Lignite Pitt QC.

Add your voice to the chorus of outrage:

*Billionaires United Mining Services – a joint venture PPP (Protecting Private Profits) initiative with Australia’s Coalition Leaders and their financial backers 💡