Only One Earth

Nov 12, 2017

Given the converging crisis we face—as evidenced by extreme weather conditions everywhere and horrifying rates of species loss—all polluting industries must now take full responsibility for halting their greenhouse gas emissions and for sustainably drawing their fair share of legacy emissions down from the atmosphere.


For too long, communities have been held hostage by destructive industries obsessed with maximising profits. As fearless, dedicated investigative journalists have revealed, in many cases obscene profits made from exploiting people and poisoning the Earth are now being obsessively squirrelled away and hoarded in tax havens.


Because laws necessary to end this systemic thievery and abuse threaten powerful people’s profits, we are now witnessing increasingly craven attacks on basic democratic principles. The source of so much international ‘dark money’ is now well understood; it’s clear that the only ‘conspiracy‘ is the conspiracy that there has been no conspiracy.


With advanced, environmentally sustainable technologies funded through fair and transparent processes, it’s possible to deliver safe and secure zero pollution renewable energy, fresh water and food systems to all communities on Earth right now. Urgent priority must go to those most at risk from climate change and/or the resource wars that are driving it. Not only will this help mitigate the worst impacts of climate change, untold numbers of new jobs and investment will be generated in fairer and more sustainable local economies.


This artwork was created for projection on public walls during the United Nations COP23 climate negotiations in Bonn. Please share it to help urge UN delegates and all policy makers from henceforth to fast track the sustainability projects that will support rather than destroy life, as detailed in our Safe Climate Plan.


Always ClimActs’ work benefits from many ‘angels’, and for this project we especially acknowledge, Pippa Bailey, Alexandra de Blas, Imogen Butler, Aphrodite Feros-Fooke, Deborah Hart, Jo Lane, Janet Laurence and Bernard Peasley.

Wingfulls of thanks to the Green Accord conference for the preview screening of ‘Our Only Earth’ in Florence, Italy, on 4 November and EvoLens for enabling our series of public projections in Melbourne, Australia, 9 November. For the record, the premiere public screening was on the facade of BHP Billiton’s global head office.

CBD Projection - BHP-1

BHP Billiton’s global head office

CBD Projection - Fed Square-2

Federation Square

CBD Projection - Flinders Street Station-2

Flinders Street Station – Renovation Scaffolding

CBD Projection - Lonsdale-1

Swanston Street, near cnr Latrobe

CBD Projection - Forum-7

Forum Theatre

CBD Projection - Lonsdale-2

Swanston Street, near cnr Latrobe

CBD Projection - Forum-6

Forum Theatre

CBD Projection - Fed Square-4

Federation Square