Is “democracy” (chortle!) standing in the way of your unlimited financial ambitions? Call the Hackers Guild on 1800 666 666 now!
Having trouble getting approval to frack or mine nature reserves, National Parks, sacred sites or pesky farmers’ land? The Hackers’ Guild are the tools you need!
At the Hackers Guild we specialise in mining and psychoanalysing unsuspecting peoples’ personal data and social media profiles in order to manipulate their minds and votes! Akin to leaching, seeping mine tailings, you’ll be astonished by how quickly common sense trickles down!
Honed in BUMS* elite (but not elitist) clinical laboratories and neoliberal board rooms, the Hackers Guild’s psychoanalytic software extracts votes for policies that will strip ordinary people of their financial and emotional security and make YOU richer! Call the Hackers Guild on 1800 666 666 now!
MONEY BACK GUARANTEE❖: while there has been ALOT of alertist, alarmist press recently about data mining (and its alleged potential to influence elections and referenda) none of the current products come within a bull’s roar of the Hackers Guild’s coal fired election winning software developed right here in AussieLand!
*The Hackers Guild is a proud subsidiary of the Aussie based global Billionaires United Mining Services conglomerate
❖redeemable after 2050